Hot And Sour Soup With Bok Choy Recipe


  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 lb. block of firm tofu, drained
  • 1 tbsp. grated ginger
  • 4-5 garlic cloves, minced
  • 8 cups vegetable broth
  • 4 oz. shiitake mushrooms, sliced
  • 8 oz. can bamboo shoots, sliced
  • 1 bunch bok choy, green part, sliced
  • 2 tbsp. rice vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. Asian chili paste (or to taste)
  • 1 tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. sugar
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch mixed with ¼ cup cold water
  • 6 scallions, sliced
  • ¼ cup fresh cilantro, finely chopped


  1. Press your tofu by wrapping in paper towels and placing a heavy object on top, such as a cookbook.
  2. Meanwhile, heat 1 tbsp. oil in large saucepan over medium heat.
  3. Add ginger and garlic and sautee for about one minute, being careful to avoid burning.
  4. Add broth and bring to boil. Add mushrooms and bamboo shoots and simmer for about ten minutes.
  5. While your broth simmers away, remove paper towels from tofu and cut into about ½ inch cubes.
  6. Heat remaining 1 tbsp. oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add tofu and cook on each side until it begins to brown. Remove from pan.
  7. Add tofu, bok choy, vinegar, chili paste, soy sauce and sugar to broth. Simmer an additional ten minutes.
  8. Add cornstarch mixture, stir well, and remove from heat.
  9. Add scallions and cilantro, setting just a bit of each aside.
  10. Ladle into bowls and top with remaining scallions and cilantro.

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