Fish Steamed In Bottle Gourd Leaves Recipe


  • 4 fish fillets (any large fish will do)
  • 8 gourd leaves (you can double the leaves to hold the juices better)
  • 2 tbs mustard sauce from a store-bought bottle
  • 2 medium onions, thinly sliced
  • 4 green chillies, scored lengthwise
  • 1 tsp ginger/garlic juice
  • Salt to taste
  • Turmeric powder, as per your choice
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil
  • Large pinch of chilli powder to enhance the colour (optional)
  • 1 dinner plate size banana leaf


  1. Put a pot on the gas. Fill it halfway with water.
  2. Place a colander on the pot and line it with banana leaf.
  3. Tie a long strip of wet cloth between the point where the pot meets the colander. 
  4. Rub the fish fillets with turmeric and salt.
  5. Mix the rest of the spices and seasoning with the onion slices.
  6. Pour the oil and give it a good stir.
  7. Add the fish pieces. Mix gently.
  8. Take one leaf and place the fish (covered with the mix) in the middle.
  9. Fold inwards till the fish is covered. Take another leaf and do the same. (The idea is to get a little more of the greens by using two leaves.)
  10. Place the packet on the banana leaf with that side down where the folds end.
  11. Continue with the rest of the fish and the leaves.
  12. Cover the colander with a lid and steam for about 20 minutes on medium flame.
  13. Remove the packets to a serving dish. Pour the juices that have spilled into the banana leaf on the dish.
  14. This dish goes best with rice.

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