Seared Scallops And Zucchini With Avocado Recipe


  • 8-10 (1-1.5lbs) large sea scallops
  • 1 ripe avocado, peeled and sliced thinly
  • 2-3 small-medium fresh zucchini or summer squash, cut to 1/2″ discs
  • juice of 1 fresh lemon
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil (plus more for drizzling as a finishing touch, optional)
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Arrange the thinly sliced halves of avocado on two separate plates in a fan. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and a squeeze each from the lemon.
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil on a heavy-bottom pan or skillet (such as a cast-iron pan) over high heat. Arrange the zucchini slices on the pan and season with salt and pepper. Let sear until golden-brown on one side, then flip (after about 1 minute) to sear the other sides another minute. Remove from the pan.
  3. Add the remaining tablespoon of olive oil to the pan. Arrange the scallops so that they have almost 1 inch apart on the pan. Season with salt and pepper and don’t turn or move them for the first minute. Peek on the undersides afterward and once golden-brown (after about 2 minutes), flip over to sear the opposite side another minute or so. Remove from the pan.
  4. To serve, arrange half the zucchini and scallops on each plate with the avocado. Squeeze as much of the lemon on each to taste, and enjoy immediately.

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