Bed & Breakfast Cheese, Tomato And Garden Herbs Omelette Recipe


  • 2 free range eggs beaten with 2 tablespoons water
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon grapeseed oil or butter
  • 25g grated mature Cheddar cheese
  • 6 cherry tomatoes, halved
  • freshly picked chives and parsley, finely choppped
  • 1 teaspoon grated Grana Padano cheese (or any cheese)


  1. Season the beaten egg and water with salt and pepper to taste. Mix the grated Cheddar cheese, cherry tomatoes and half of the herbs together.
  2. Heat the oil or butter in an omelette pan and pour the omelette mixture in, swirling them around the pan and constantly tipping the pan and drawing the edges into the middle, to allow to runny egg to run out and set. (Use a wooden fork or Teflon spatula)
  3. When the eggs are nearly set to your liking, spoon the Cheddar cheese, tomato and herb mixture over the top of the eggs, flip one half over and cook for a further 1 to 2 minutes until the omelette is set.
  4. Slide the omelette out of the pan on to a warm plate, sprinkle the grated Grana Padano cheese and remaining herbs over the top and serve immediately.

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