- beef – ½ kilogram; sirloin part; sliced into thin cuts
- calamansi juice – 5 tablespoons
- cooking oil – 2 tablespoons
- garlic – 1 tablespoon; minced
- onion – 2 pieces; large-sized; cut into rings
- pepper – 1 tablespoon; grounded
- potato – 2 pieces; large-sized; peeled and quartered
- soy sauce – ½ cup
- water – ¼ cup
- In a plastic bowl, pour in calamansi juice and soy sauce.
- Place beef.
- Add in garlic and pepper.
- Mix everything thoroughly.
- Marinade beef for 15 minutes.
- In a pan set over medium heat, pour in cooking oil.
- Place onion rings.
- Fry onion rings until transparent.
- When onion rings are cooked, drain them and set them aside.
- In the same pan, fry potatoes until tender.
- When potatoes are tender, drain them and set them aside.
- Pour the marinade into the pan.
- Allow it to boil for two minutes.
- Place the beef in the pan.
- Allow it to simmer for about 40 minutes or until the beef becomes tender.
- When the beef is already tender, transfer it into a plate.
- Top with onion rings and potatoes.
- Serve with hot steamed white rice.
Source: Hub Pages
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