Corned Ham Recipe


  • One 15-20 lb. fresh ham
  • Kosher salt
Corned Ham Recipe

  1. Rinse and dry the ham. Use a sharp boning knife to make a three or four inch incision at each place that the bone protrudes from the meat. This is usually three places-­‐ one at each end and at one place on the side. Pack as much salt as possible into each of these incisions, then cover the outside of the ham with a thin layer of salt. Place the ham in a non-­‐reactive pan and cover with first plastic wrap, then foil. On the evening of the eleventh day wash the ham and flush the salt out of the pockets that you cut. Soak overnight in fresh water.
  2. The next day, dry the ham and put it on a rack in a roasting pan. Put a little water in the bottom of the pan. Cover the ham with a lid or foil for the first two thirds of the cooking time. Cook it at 325 degrees for 25 minutes a pound. Uncover the ham for the last part of the cooking and turn the oven up to 350. This will allow the ham to brown nicely. When it is done, a boning knife will pass easily through the thickest part. I like to cook these hams until they begin to fall off the bone. Let the ham rest a little before slicing. The drippings make a delicious if somewhat salty gravy for mashed potatoes.


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