- 5 pcs medium size alimasag
- 2 cups string beans, cut into 2 inch long
- 3 cups squash, cut into cubes
- 1 onion, sliced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 thumb size ginger, cut into strips
- 2 pcs siling labuyo
- 3 cups coconut milk
- 1 tbsp alamang
- Saute ginger, garlic and onion.
- Add alamang and mix for 20-30 seconds.
- Put squash and string beans. Mix.
- Add alimasag.
- Pour coconut milk. Cover and simmer for about 15 minutes.
- Season with salt.
- Remove from heat when alimasag changes its color to orange and vegies are cooked.
- Serve with steamed rice
Source: Pot Pot Cooks
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