Codfish Salad(Ensalada De Bacalao Recipe)

Codfish Salad(Ensalada De Bacalao)


  • 1 Package of boneless salted codfish 
  • 3 potatoes, boiled and sliced 
  • 4 Eggs, hard boiled & sliced 
  • 1 Small Red Onion, Sliced 
  • Sliced tomatoes (optional) 
  • ¼ Cups Red wine vinegar 
  • ¼ Cups Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
  • 1½ Teaspoons Salt or to taste 
  1. Take a pot of water
  2. Place codfish in the saucepan; cover with water. Bring to a boil & simmer for 10 min; drain. Repeat process again & simmer until codfish is soft and has lost most of its saltiness,drain set aside.
  3. Take your eggs and cook them until hard boiled.
  4. Take your potatoes cut them in half, skin and all place them In a pot with cold water. Put this pot over medium high heat. Salt the water. Cook the potatoes until softened.
  5. When the potatoes are fork tender. Drain the water. Set the potatoes aside until they have cooled. When cooled peel them,
  6. And slice them. Set the potatoes aside
  7. Take the onion and slice them thin. Place the sliced onions in a small bowl and add vinegar to them. Set aside
  8. Take your hard boiled eggs and slice them up, set them aside
  9. Let's go back to the codfish. Tear them up into bite size pieces. Not too big and not too small
  10. Next lets make our vinaigrette. Take the vinegar and place it in a bowl add the oil as well.
  11. Add the salt
  12. I have transferred the dressing to a mason jar. Makes it easier to mix. I have shaken the bottle up to blend the Ingredients. Set aside
  13. Now let's start to arrange our salad. In a large bowl lets first add the codfish.
  14. Them top it with the sliced potatoes
  15. Now add the sliced onions.
  16. Lastly the eggs.
  17. You can also layer the ingredients by alternating them like a lasagna. Potatoes codfish, onions and eggs, and repeat this layer one more time until all the ingredients are used.
  18. Remember our dressing, let's evenly coat the salad. Stir it very gently. We do not want to break up the potatoes or eggs.
  19. After al the dressing has been poured over the salad. I Like to remove the dressing from the bottom of the salad.
  20. & pour it back on top to be re-absorbed by the potatoes.The dressing has mixed with the codfish and is flavorful, this is why i personally like to do this. A trick my older sister showed me.(Optional)
  21. Let the salad sit marinating for about 30 minutes before serving. The salad will be more flavorful.
  22. Enjoy with a side of white rice and avocado.
Source: Snapguide

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