Creamy Papaya With Hot Sardines Recipe

Creamy Papaya with Hot Sardines

  • 1 medium papaya, peeled and cut into serving pieces.
  • 250ml Nestle Cream D'Lite
  • 3 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 medium chopped onions
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • a dash of Magic Sarap
  • 1 can hot sardines in tomato sauce.
  1. Heat cooking oil in a pan. Saute onion and garlic.
  2. Pour Nestle Cream D'Lite in and bring to a boil; place in papaya. Season with salt, pepper and a dash of magic sarap. Simmer over low heat until papaya is half cooked.
  3. Add in hot sardines and stir. Simmer for few more minutes until papaya is totally soft and sauce thickens.
  4. Serve hot with plain rice.

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