Single Serving: Daing Na Bangus (Milkfish In Garlic And Vinegar Marinade) Recipe

Single Serving: Daing Na Bangus (Milkfish In Garlic And Vinegar Marinade) Recipe

  • 3 pcs milkfish (roughly 200gms each)
  • 1/4 cup oil for frying
  • 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 tbs salt (if you intend to cook it immediately after marinating, please add generous amount)
  1. To prepare the fish, wash and clean removing the gut, gills and scales. Drain then slit the fish lengthwise from the tip of the backside of the head through to the other end of the tail, thus butterflying it in the process. 
  2. Rinse and pat dry with a kitchen towel. 
  3. Using a flat baking pan or Pyrex shallow bowl, lay the fish flat on its skin and set aside. If possible, lay all 3 fishes in one layer. In this instance, I have cut the fish to two parts to fit my resealable container.
  4. To prepare the marinade, mix all of the ingredients in a separate bowl then pour over the fish. Let sit for about half an hour before storing in the refrigerator. Make sure to keep it covered when in the ref. 
  5. When ready to cook, heat oil in pan and wait until oil is smoking hot. 
  6. At this point, slowly slide in the fish skin side down. Cook for about 5-8 minutes. 
  7. Serve with fried rice, fried egg for a heavenly Daing-Si-Log combo.

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