- 1 kilo gabi (yam) leaves or takway
- 1 kilo suso (snail)
- 1 cup coconut milk (1st extraction)
- 2 cups coconut milk (2nd extraction)
- 1 medium onion sliced
- 4 cloves garlic crushed
- 1 thumb size ginger cut into strips
- 1 medium tomato sliced thinly
- fish sauce or salt to taste
- 1 shrimp cube
- 1 siling labuyo chopped (hot chilies)
Preparing the Suso
- Prepare suso (snail) by submerging them in water for an hour prior to cooking.
- Wash several times to take off soil residues from them. Clip off tip by using a cleaver.
How to Cook
- Sauté onion, ginger and garlic in a hot pan until fragrant
- Add tomatoes and sauté for another minute or until tomatoes are mashed
- Pour fish sauce and add in the suso (snails) mix well
- Pour 2 cups of coconut milk (2nd extraction) and let boil for 3 minutes
- Add gabi leaves into the pan, 1st extraction of coconut milk, shrimp cube, sili and let it boil until leaves are already wilted
- Add seasoning according to your taste
- Serve with steaming hot rice!
Source: JV Pacoin Food Trip
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