Oven Grilled Milkfish Recipe

Oven Grilled Milkfish Recipe

  • Milkfish - 1 large
  • Ginger, chopped - 6 slices
  • Onion, chopped - 1 large
  • Tomatoes, chopped - 1 small
  • Black pepper powder
  • Low Sodium Salt 

  1. Clean and gut fish. You may or may not remove the scales. Pat dry
  2. Rub the skin and cavity of the fish with salt and black pepper powder. Let sit for at least an hour.
  3. Heat oven to 200 degrees celsius. Your oven should have the grill function
  4. Spread an aluminum foil on a baking dish. Place the milkfish on the baking dish and stuff it with the ginger, onions, and tomatoes. Fold and wrap foil around the fish.
  5. Grill in the oven for at least 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and open the aluminum foil. Drain any liquid in it.
  6. Return the fish in the oven and grill for another 10 minutes or until the fish turned brown.

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